The advert you just read is fake, but the images are of real ‘homes’

Over one in ten people in England are living in homes that are ‘not decent’ to live in. These people are twice as likely to have poor health.

New homes are being built that are cramped, damp, dark, vulnerable to crime and at risk from fire and flooding.  

the healthy homes campaign

The Healthy Homes Campaign is trying to change this.

In the next month, parliament will vote on the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill (LURB). This is a real opportunity to enshrine the 11 Healthy Homes principles in law.  

ALL new homes should be Healthy Homes!   

Please help us call for change by emailing your MP today, and asking them to support the Healthy Homes clause and schedule in the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill. This simply can’t wait.